Recommended blogs and webpages

These are blogs and web sites I highly recommend.

Statistics and research methods

Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

The personal blog of statistics professor Andrew Gelman He writes about statistical methods and interpretations, and frequently publish posts commenting on examples from the literature.


Datamethods is a statistical discussion forum maintained by statistics professor Frank Harrell.

Credibly curious

The homepage of Nicholas Tierney, who I met at the RStudio::conf2018 where he presented his R-packages for handling missing data. He is one of the guys behind R-miss-tastic, a resource website for missing data.

Less Likely

The homepage of Zad Chow, who writes about statistics, medicine and nutrition.

The logic of science

The logic of science is a blog focusing on critical thinking, scientific methods and logical fallacies.

Data Imaginist

Data Imaginist is written by Thomas Lin Pedersen, a software engineer at Rstudio. He is one of the main maintenants of ggplot2, and on his blog i mostly writes about stuff related to data visualization.

Tidyverse blog

Stay updated on the different R-packages of the Tidyverse!


Sunn Skepsis (Norwegian)

The blog of Erik Arnesen, public health nutritionist and PhD student at the University of Oslo.

Vegard Lysne
Senior Advisor

Clinical Dietitian, PhD. See more about Vegard.
